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Home > Libraries > X > xjimmies > authors : Zack Settel / Jean-michel Dumas



Parts of the nSLAM audio suite.
The "xjimmies" library included with nSLAM v2.0 offers new functionality not defined in the original "jimmies" running under Max/MSP.
Specifically, a number of new objects have been added for working with multichannel sound, sound source simulation and immersive audio. The name of the library, formerly "jimmies", was changed to "xjimmies", since the "X"-platform library runs in both PD (Windows/OSX/Linux) and now, in Max/MSP (Windows/OSX).
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xj.overview Abstraction xjimmies overview

xj.pan-five.1 Abstraction pans between 5 channels

xj.pan-octo~ Abstraction pans between 8 channels

xj.pan-quad~ Abstraction pans between 4 channels

xj.pan-stereo~ Abstraction pans between 2 channels

xj.pan1~ Abstraction mono panning superstar

xj.panN~ Abstraction distributes up to 8 inputs based on the azimuth parameter

xj.parameqA~ Abstraction a parametric eq element (low and high shelf)

xj.parameqbank~ Abstraction a bank of parametric eq

xj.parameqB~ Abstraction a parametric eq element

xj.qbal1~ Abstraction makes a balanced mix of inputs A and B

xj.qgain2~ Abstraction 4 channels gain control

xj.qgate2~ Abstraction continuous audio gate, using angle index to choose among 4 inputs

xj.qpan2~ Abstraction pans input to 4 outputs equally spaced on a circle

xj.rad2deg Abstraction radiant to degree conversion

xj.revdel1~ Abstraction simple delay element

xj.rmod1~ Abstraction ring modulator

xj.sharedfloat Abstraction for use mainly with GUI objects

xj.shelfilter~ Abstraction calculates coefficients for 2nd order shelving filter

xj.stbal1~ Abstraction makes a balanced mix of inputs A and B

xj.stgain2~ Abstraction stereo gain control

xj.stgate2~ Abstraction continuous audio gate, using angle index to choose among 2 inputs

xj.stpan2~ Abstraction pans input to 2 outputs equally spaced on a circle

xj.sw1~ Abstraction audio switch

xj.throw~ Abstraction With [xj.catch~]dynamic duo of send~ and receive~

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